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Parent Involvement

Parents, as the first educator of their children, are encouraged to become actively involved in the learning and teaching programe at St Aloysius.

Parents can be involved in many ways. Some of these include:

  • Reading your child’s blog post and giving feedback on a regular basis.

  • Reading with your child on a daily basis.

  • Playing number games.

  • Cooking with your child.

  • Supporting homework tasks.

  • Shopping with your child.

Parents can also volunteer to support class programes. Some of these include:

  • Supporting literacy and numeracy sessions.

  • Supporting excursions

  • Being a guest speaker

  • Sharing a special talent with the children

The Victorian Catholic Education Authority now has stringent guidelines for volunteers working in schools. These guidelines include:

  • Current Working with Children Check

  • Signing a code of conduct

  • Formal application for volunteer roles including two references. (This applies to new volunteers to St Aloysius)

Parents will need to meet with the Principal or Principal Delegate before taking a volunteer role.

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