Religious Education is a life-long process. It is the process of fostering our faith relationship with God. An essential part of nurturing children in faith is the exploration of the teachings, traditions, and beliefs of the Catholic Church.
The love of God, as expressed through the life of Jesus, is cause for celebration by the whole school and the community of Holy Trinity Parish. The Eucharist is the centre of our faith, and we are called to be Jesus, alive today, to others. We believe that the individual should have the opportunity to experience a relationship with a loving God, whose presence can fill their life with faith, hope and peace. The students and families at St Aloysius are invited to be engaged in exploring and celebrating the Catholic story in all its richness and diversity through prayer, reflection and action for the good of all.
As parents are the primary educators of their children, our Religious Education Program is designed to support and complement what is taught and modeled at home. Therefore we encourage active participation by the whole family in Religious Education at St. Aloysius.
The Religious Education Curriculum Framework and Horizons of Hope as well as To Know, Worship and Love texts are used as the primary sources for education in faith at St Aloysius.