At St Aloysius, Queenscliff we believe that students are to be equipped to seize opportunities to broaden their knowledge, skills, attitudes and understandings to live in a changing, complex and interdependent digital world. For that reason, St Aloysius’ encourages the learning to be enriched by strong connections with the broader community, effective communicating online and offline, collaborating locally and globally; being well equipped to be safe and responsible cyber citizens.
We are aware that 21st Century students engage and will continue to engage in the digital world. At St Aloysius Primary School we believe cyber safe, digital literate and responsible online behaviour is an essential part of students’ learning. We believe that this is best learnt in partnership with home, school and the wider community in order for students to become effective cyber citizens. Safe and responsible behaviour is explicitly taught at our school and parents/carers are requested to reinforce this behaviour at home.
At St Aloysius we use the Intranet, internet and digital technologies as teaching and learning tools. We see the internet and digital technologies as valuable resources, but acknowledge they must be used responsibly.
Your child has been asked to agree to use the Intranet, internet and mobile technologies responsibly at school. Parents/carers should be aware that while every measure is taken to protect your child, the nature of the internet is such that full protection from inappropriate content can never be guaranteed.